
I provide therapy to adult individuals, couples, and groups, both in person and via secure teletherapy. All are welcome. My areas of specialty include trauma, codependency, highly sensitive persons, and relationships.

My integrative approach involves psychoeducation, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, acceptance and commitment, and aspects of dialectical behavior therapy, among others. Trauma treatment generally involves EMDR or sensorimotor psychotherapy. I find it fascinating to view behaviors and beliefs from a neuroscientific perspective, and share this approach with my clients.

We experience life as mind-body-spirit beings. My approach to counseling incorporates this truth, respecting that every client experiences this in accordance with their own unique beliefs.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Many of my clients have found hope and healing through EMDR. EMDR is an evidence-based psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that result from traumas and other disturbing life experiences. Exhaustive studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience benefits that once took years to achieve. Using EMDR protocols and procedures, highlighted by bilateral stimulation, clinicians help clients activate their natural healing processes (EMDRIA excerpt).

“The past affects the present even without our being aware of it.” Francine Shapiro


Mindfulness is foundational within my counseling practice. Simply put, mindfulness is “awareness of present-moment experience with acceptance” (Bishop, et al, 2004). It affords us the freedom to choose our responses, rather than reacting in the often-dysfunctional ways of the past.

Mindfulness takes many forms, and is an intensely individual endeavor. For some, this may look like a daily meditation or yoga practice, while others choose to journal, dance, create artwork, or serve in the community. My personal favorite is the spiritual practice of walking a labyrinth, as depicted.

“Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)

HSPs make up about 20 percent of the population (both men and women), though it is estimated that nearly 50 percent of people who seek counseling have the trait. It is neither a diagnosis nor a deficit, but a largely genetic trait in which our brains process more deeply, feel more intensely, notice more details, and are more likely to be affected by chaotic environments.

Many HSPs grow up asking, “Why am I different? What’s wrong with me?” In reality, we are not “too sensitive,” but rather gifted with our sensitive traits. While in our culture we can be misunderstood, I am hopeful that you are able to embrace the positive aspects of HSP, as I have. I would be honored to walk through this process with you.

“You were born to be among the advisors and thinkers, the spiritual and moral leaders for your society. There is every reason for pride.” Elaine Aron

Codependency Group for Women

Are you the giver in your relationships? Do you find yourself apologizing often? Have you sometimes felt taken for granted? Then you may be a candidate for our group, designed for women who are experiencing (or have experienced) codependency in relationships. We offer connection, information, resources, skills, support, and more. Please know that you are not alone; you can find healing alongside like-minded women. This group is generally offered with September and March start dates. Contact me with questions or to get your name on our interest list.

“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin